Philosophical study of life, death, and nature

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*Last updated in about 2005.

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Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics (EJAIB) Online journal of cross cultural understandings of life, death, and nature. In the journal, bioethics is broadly defined as life ethics, including both medical and environmental ethics, and environmental, ethical, legal and social issues arising from biotechnology. I am an associate editor of this journal. Chief editor is Darryl Macer. This journal is run by Eubios Ethics Institute.

Life, Human, Society: Sociology, Bioethics and Disability Studies in Japan This is the richest database on medical sociology, bioethics, and disability studies in Japan. They have a great deal of information about these topics. Most are in Japanese, but some articles are written in English. Shinya Tateiwa, the director of this site, is translating his epoch making book, On Private Property, 1997, into English. This book is a masterpiece of Japan's life studies and disability studies.

International Center for Bioethics, Culture and Disability Gregor Wolbring's very important website. The Center's mission is to examine the cultural aspects of bioethical issues and of science and technology, and to examine the impacts of Bioethical issues and of science and technology on those who have been marginalized. We should ensure that those who have been marginalized have a voice in all the debates that affect their lives. He is also the director of International Network on Bioethics and Disability.

International Network on Personal Meaning International networking for promoting health, happiness and peace through personal meaning and spirituality. The meaning of life and death is one of their main concerns. Their activities are based on Paul T. P. Wong and Viktor Frankl's psychotherapy.

INNOVIA Foundation Their objective is to facilitate a socially optimal development and deployment of new health care technology through multidisciplinary studies and related activities which focus in particular on the individual and collective experiences, concerns and aspirations of end users.

Interdisciplinary Journals on Contemporary Issues

Journal of Applied Philosophy covers a broad spectrum of issues in environment, medicine, science policy, law, politics, economics and education. The Journal interprets 'applied philosophy' broadly, to cover all philosophical research that has a direct bearing on issues of practical - moral, prudential, political, social, legal - concern.

International Journal of Applied Philosophy The International Journal of Applied Philosophy is committed to the view that philosophy can and should be brought to bear upon the practical issues of life. Accordingly, the journal publishes philosophical articles dealing with practical issues in such realms as education, business, law, government, health care, psychology, science, and the environment.

Philosophy in the Contemporary World The journal provides a peer reviewed venue for continuing dialogues in applied philosophy, philosophy and public policy, philosophy of the professions, race and gender studies, environmental philosophy, educational philosophy, and a range of multi-cultural issues.

Contemporary Philosophy publishes quality papers from academic and professionally trained persons from many fields and disciplines.

Science, Technology & Human Values More and more, human values come into conflict with scientific advancement as we deal with important issues such as nuclear power, environmental degradation and information technology. Science, Technology & Human Values is a peer-reviewed, international, interdisciplinary journal containing research, analyses and commentary on the development and dynamics of science and technology, including their relationship to politics, society and culture.

Philosophy & Social Criticism An International, Interdisciplinary Journal Philosophy & Social Criticism is truly interdisciplinary, offering a critical viewpoint on areas such as: Continental and American philosophy, ethics, politics, social theory, critique of science, political philosophy, sociology, legal thought, hermeneutics, literary theory, postmodernism, cultural critique, socio-economic thought.

Discourse (web journal) Topics include questions concerning war, feminism, applied philosophy, politics, technology, ethics, and time, but submissions should not be limited by these suggestions.

The Examined Life: On-line Philosophy Journal (web journal) This journal intends to offer a communication forum for the professional, student, and amateur philosopher. Discussion forum is also interesting.

Contretemps (web journal) The objective is to create new ways of responding to events, thus to participate in and reinvent philosophical sociality.

Ecology and Technology

World Wisdom Alliance A new global network aimed at actively addressing our shared societal challenges and opportunities by linking and connecting like-minded groups and individuals worldwide through effective communication, dialogue and collaborative action.

Turning Point Project They produced a series of educational advertisements. The ads appeared in The New York Times and other newspapers. They object to "new eugenics" and exploitation of life. Worth visiting.

Co-globalizing Gaia's Children From "the song of money" to "the song of life." A network opposing WTO and exploitation of the third world's agriculture. Bioethics: A Third World Issue by Vandana Shiva, India. She emphasizes bioethics for the Third World.

Citizens' Nuclear Information Center Information about nuclear power plants in Japan and Asia. This center seeks the way to stop nuclear power plants, and prevent nuclear accidents such as the case of Tokai power plant in October, 1999, which was the worst one in Japanese history. Dr.Jinzaburo Takagi, who was a nuclear physics scientist and then became a citizen activist, founded this center in 1975. They have provided reliable data and information to the public since then.

Tree of Life Web Project You can see the evolutionary tree that unites all living things. The tree of life as a hyper text. Great.

War, Peace, and the World

War Resisters' International "War Resisters' International exists to promote nonviolent action against the causes of war, and to support and connect people around the world who refuse to take part in war or the preparation of war." Founded in 1921. War Resisters' League in the USA. Their statement on the terrorism in September 11, 2001. 

New Perspectives Quarterly Important papers from the world. Some of them are translations. The papers before 1995 are in full text, and others are only abstracts.

Humanism and Human Life

International Humanist and Ethical Union They provide a community for those who find meaning and value in life without the aid of traditional religions or gods. They offer men and women, both as individuals and as members of society, a secular ethics grounded in human values. Their Amsterdam Declaration 2002. See also Institute for Humanist Studies.

American Humanist Association AHA is the first and largest organization promoting Humanism in the US. A very cool website. Good for beginners.

The Foundation for Ethics and Meaning They seek the possibility of restructuring our society in ways that would replace the dominant ethos of selfishness and materialism with an ethos of caring, idealism and spiritual solidarity. A very important movement. But their website has not been updated since last February....

American Association of Suicidology Their goal is to understand and prevent suicide. Information of activities and links. Founded in 1968 by Edwin S. Shneidman, Ph.D. But I wonder what is the ultimate reason for stopping someone's voluntary suicide. This is a fundamental philosophical problem. What do you think?

Feminism and Gender

Sisterhood Is Global Institute World-wide support network for women under political pressure and violence. Their women's rights education program and urgent action alert are worth noticing.

The International Network on Feminist Approaches to Bioethics Established in 1992 to introduce feminist perspectives into the male-dominated world of bioethics. See their descriptions.

Disability Studies

Independent Living Institute Europe based (Sweden and UK?) organization for disabled people. Huge library and plenty of information about independent living and disability. You should visit. A declaration of bioethics and human rights by DPI, The Right to Live and be Different, Feb.2000. They say, "having a disabled child is not a special legal consideration for abortion."

The ARC Homepage Association for Retarded Citizens of the United States (ARC) provides information, articles, and many links on this topic. The concepts of self-advocacy and self-determination are important. In the article, "The Human Genome Project: Examining The Arc's Concerns Regarding the Project's Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications," Sharon Davis states that although disabled people do not necessarily want to be cured their disabilities, 90% of the participants in their workshop said gene therapy is acceptable. What do you think about this, compared with the above declaration by DPI?

Not Dead Yet A group of disabled people that have opposed the assisted suicide and euthanasia movement.

Philosophy and Ethics

UNESCO Philosophy World philosophy day and other intrenational activities. Asia-Arab Inter-regional Philosophical Dialogues, and their Dialogue and Working Group Strategy. NEW

Society for Philosophy in the Contemporary World It "promotes work in applied philosophy, philosophy and public policy, philosophy of the professions, race, and gender studies, environmental philosophy, educational philosophy, and a range of multicultural issues."

Council for Research in Values and Philosophy Their goal is to "uncover and promote the stirrings of the Spirit in the many cultures, to share this between peoples, and to contribute thereby to the convergent progress of humankind." List of publications.

Radical Philosophy Association They struggle against capitalism, racism, sexism, etc. to fundamentally change our society. They say, "we consider the enterprise of radical philosophy inherently interdisciplinary."

The Philosophical Counseling Web Site An Israel-based site for "philosophical counseling," a kind of therapy from the viewpoint of philosophy. Philosophical counseling was proposed by a German philosopher, Gerd B. Achenbach, and now it became a world wide movement. Another site, Philosophical Counseling. A similar website, Society for Philosophical Inquiry, provides information about Socrates Cafe and The Philosophers' Club.

Centre for Applied Ethics, University of British Columbia, Canada. Interdisciplinary ethics research and education including bioethics, environmental issues, and information technologies. UBC's Individual Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program is splendid!  // Also see Centre for Applied Bioethics, University of Nottingham, UK.

Society for Applied Philosophy Philosophy of "practical concern including environmental and medical ethics, the social implications of scientific and technological change, philosophical and ethical issues in education, law and economics." And their Journal of Applied Philosophy.

International Federation of Philosophical Societies (FISP) Non-governmental world organization for philosophy, established in 1948. They are going to have a conference "PHILOSOPHY FACING WORLD PROBLEMS" in Turky, 2003.

Philosophy, Interpretation, and Culture Their program explores relations between philosophy and other disciplines and critically examines disciplinary boundaries, historical and institutional. Interesting. The Department of Philosophy, Binghamton University, NY, USA.

ePhilosopher A web community dedicated to philosophical thinking. Philosophy news, forums, links.

Utilitarianism Resources A list of utilitarianism related websites. Very helpful.

Medicine and Health

The American Society for Bioethics and Humanities The purpose of ASBH is to promote the exchange of ideas and foster multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and interprofessional scholarship, research, teaching, policy development, professional development, and collegiality among people engaged in all of the endeavors related to clinical and academic bioethics and the health-related humanities. Established in 1998.

The Institute of Human Values in Health Care at the Medical University of South Carolina, USA. They provide interdisciplinary study programs for researchers and professionals. Robert H. Blank's paper, "Interdisciplinary Approaches to Medicine" in their newsletter is interesting. 

International Network for the Definition of Death They reconsider brain death. Dr. Calixto Machado provids useful links on this topic. Important website!

ETHICA a forum on cross-cultural bioethics by Reidar K. Lie, Norway. It includes SEAHEN, South East Asian Health Ethics Network.

Neiswanger Institute The Neiswanger Institute is dedicated to the three-fold mission of research, education, and service in bioethics and health policy. Loyola University, Chicago, USA.

Bioethics Discussion Page  Maurice Bernstein's stimulating site for bioethics discussion. Various opinions have been uploaded. Great. His Bioethics journal club.Japan Bioethics Web Prof. Rihito Kimura, Waseda University, provides his papers and essays on Japanese and American bioethics. Plus information about international conferences. by Arthur Caplan. Bioethics International Carender List of upcoming events

German Reference Centre for Ethics in the Life Sciences

Alternative Media

The Nation Alternative voices concerning globalization, health, environment, gender, human rights, peace activities, etc. Directory of the articles. "the world's largest online site dedicated to global media issues." Today's news around the world. Their issue guides.

Independent Media Center Common Dreams News Center

Media/Internet studies

The Association of Internet Researchers An academic association dedicated to the advancement of the cross-disciplinary field of Internet studies.


Humanities Web Sties in Japan A comprehensive list of Japanese humanities and social sciences sites by GOTOO Hitosi.Sociology in Japan by Department of Human Sciences, Osaka University. List of Japanese sociology sites. Japanese Legal Resource Links A comprehensive list of Japanese laws translated into English. Managed by Takato Natsui, Meiji University.Masashi Shirahama's Home Page Bioethics discussion pages created by a Japanese physician. Useful comments by Japanese and American specialists, and students. Ralph Seewald's page Comparison between Netherlands and Japan on bioethics. Japan Huntington's Disease Network JHDN stores and has access to a wide range of literature on HD from many countries around the world. NMAP (Nursing, Midwifery and Allied health Professions) very useful links on nursing.ICUs and Nursing A Greece based nursing journal.Science Master Their goal is to provide the best science resources for teachers, parents, hobbyists, and life-long learners.

Sparknotes: Philosophy Study guides for major philosophical books in the West.


Social Science Information Gateway
Our website is classified into four categories: / / /
Internet Archive a digital library of Internet sites, books, texts, etc....everything. Voice of the Shuttle: Web Page for Humanities Research,, Mavicanet(multi-language database)The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, EpistemeLink, Ethics Updates, what is philosophy?, HIPPIAS, Philosophical Links Page, Philosophy related mailing lists, ephilosopher,Philosophy Documentation Center,Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Bioethics Resources on the Web

1001 Feminist Links